What’s the text book method of completely removing sites from the sympl web directory. I’ve tried using sympl command line functionality with sub-optimal results. I ran the following commands
sympl web disable example.com
and thereafter
sympl web destroy example.com
The sympl documentation suggests the commands above should delete a site and remove all associated reference but sadly they do not.
Sympl 12
Hosting - Mythic
For info, response from Mythic is as follows:
sympl web disable example.com
followed by sympl web destroy example.com
will disable and then remove the website under htdocs.
If you want to do the same manually, then you can just remove the relevant directory in /srv the same way you would do in Symbiosis.’
Just removing the directory from srv will disable the Apache config on the next run of sympl-web-configure, after which it’s then safe to delete the remaining Apache config from /etc/apache2/sites-available.
This file is left over simply because there’s not currently a way to determine if any changes were made to the Apache config, so removing the configuration (which is soon disabled anyway) adds an extra risk.
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