Filter emails by subject

Is it possible to filter emails by subject, in a similar way to the blacklist files /etc/exim4/blacklist/by_sender, /etc/exim4/blacklist/by_hostname, and /etc/exim4/blacklist/by_ip?

A lot of the spam that I get has similar subject lines, so if I could filter by that I could greatly reduce my spam.

Yes, you can filter emails by various criteria (including subjects) using Sympl’s Managesieve filtering, although it’s at a mailbox level l.

The easiest way to configure this is via Roundcubes settings, where you can match mail and set a rule for it.

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I’d forgotten about that :roll_eyes:

I was hoping for something at the system level, but that’s a lot better than nothing.

One you’ve set the filtering once on one mailbox you could copy the cu l the config files to other mailboxes.

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That’s an excellent idea, thanks :grinning: